August 30, 2004

  • What's in the name?

    Pronounced: Cack (rhymes with smack)-uh-loo-suh

    There never goes a day without someone asking me the same mundane
    question, "What does your screen name mean?" or any other various
    forms. Everytime I hear that question, I feel like slapping on a "Hi,
    my name is..." sticker with an essay attached below it. Simply put, my
    screen name originated in the wee-back days of 1998 (damn, that's hella
    old). I had nothing else to do back in the AOhell days of "Warez" and
    "phishing", so I decided to spend 5 hours </sarcasm> on a new
    screen name. Suffice to say, I didn't expect my screen name of
    "Cakalusa" to last me to this day. I use it for everything from my
    Counter-Strike name to my paypal account (oops, I said too much)
    So what's it mean? I first thought of the word "cackle" which I seem to
    do alot in front of those involved in violent car accidents (kidding of
    course). Now, if you look closely, CKL are my initials, and the rest
    are for decoration. So there you have it folks--if you ask me what my
    screen name means ever again, I'll simply link your buttocks here.

    So, how did you come up with your screen name?

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