April 11, 2005

  • Disposable Cameras:

    This has got to be one of the biggest wastes of material ever.
    Basically, you buy a $5 camera, take 24 shots with it, and then destroy
    it. Why? Cameras are not meant to be disposable! Except for Fuji,
    Samsung, and Ricoh cameras--those are garbage--literally.

    The image “http://www.carepackagecafe.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/Camera350%20080803.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    The only things more mind-numbing than a disposable cameras are the
    people that defend them. Apparantly, it's more convenient to give cheap
    disposable cameras to everyone at a wedding rather than have them bring
    their own. Think about that one. What inconvienence is it to bring a
    camera? Everyone has one. They take better pictures than cheap $5 ones.
    Why not just tell everyone to not bring a watch and hand out disposable
    watches (Burger King has some with a value meal) while you're at it?

    If that's not enough, they're planning on making disposable cell phones
    too. Hey, I got an idea, why not just have poor countries mass-produce
    tons of raw plastic and then tell them to throw it all directly into a
    garbage dump? That'll save a step.

    If there's reason to believe women are evil, here's more proof

    A British woman was sentenced to two and a half years in jail Thursday
    for ripping off her ex-lover's testicle with her bare hands during a
    drunken brawl after he refused her sex.     

    Amanda Monti, 24, flew into a rage in May last year after Geoffrey
    Jones, 37, who had ended their long-term relationship, rejected her

    She grabbed him by the genitals, tearing off his left testicle, then
    hid it in her mouth before a friend of Jones handed it back to him
    saying "that's yours."

    Monti, of Birkenhead, near Liverpool, pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding at an earlier hearing.

    Degrading Sports Photo of the Day

    "What? So we're not allowed to take a crap during a game?"

Comments (158)

  • like a forum site , 1st?

  • ::shrugs:: who buys disposal?

  • yeah. nj already has enough trash from ny to deal with. :P

  • EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW nasty!!!!!! not all women are evil ! u know whats even weirder?!?! theres disposable DIGITAL cams!? da fkkkkkkkkk weirdo

  • not ALL women are evil...but that's sick.

    i use my digital camera, so i don't have to bother with disposable ones.

  • i think the disposable digital cameras are really stupid too

    i love my canon :)

  • what a psycho!!!

    yeah, and disposable cameras take crappy pictures anyway.

  • there was some article on how to open a disposable cam and plug it into your usb port.

  • Indeed, disposable cameras are ridiculous and produce a mass of unnecessary waste. What people need to do is buy cameras like mine.

  • I think the point of a disposable cell phone is so that you can keep it in your car for emergencies.. the battery lasts like 2-3 years or something.

    As for disposable cams.. it is a waste, but good if you don't want your good camera to get damaged or stolen on a trip! (Or lost by your kids).

  • omg that's gotta hurt...

  • Actually, disposable cameras are recycled and remade into disposable cameras. They aren't just dumped in a landfill and left there for all eternity.

    Ooh, your stories on crazy women reminded me off that one case in the '90s when this one woman chopped off her husband's penis in a fit of rage. The power of estrogen...

  • Ouch!  the pain...

  • Disposable is iffy. If it's still around then people still want it. Does it really matter if people still want to use it even if you think it's stupid?

  • Cute story. Thanks for the laugh.

    In Malaysia, they boil penises and feed to them the ducks.

  • I used to use the disposable cameras, that was before I took photography, now I do not think that I will ever use something w/o a light meter again. The disposable cameras are still good for little kids to use on field trips etc. I'll be taking pics and my sisters will want to use my camera, so I will get them a disposable one from wal-mart to play with.

  • would u like to rate the women on my xanga?

  • That's the same article I read! Yeh, women these days...

  • *the people who defend them

  • ahahaha...thanks...i know.

    thankfully my hair's not that crazy any more. xD

  • yikes! what a pyscho bitch!

  • Oooooh....I heard about them..the disposible cameras and the cellphones....>.<. I think they already have disposible cellphones, like Tracefone or something like that....And that woman is crazy..doing it in public with eye witnesses around ^.^. And not all women are evil....does castrating or half castrating a man automatically make them evil?

  • disposable camera's are merely convenient to those who forget to bring camera's, yet want pictures, and have extra money to spend

  • AHHAA. samsung isn't trash. i have one. >=T!!

  • i remember that article!! I WAS THE ONE WHO GAVE IT TO YOU.

    interesting how we have the same names... O_o

    *hides ripped off testicle*

    dun dun duuuuuun

  • thanks for the idea! i didn't know you can rip them off that easily!

  • ewwwwww. bare hands? oh man. *shudders*
    it doesn't mean all women are evil! just british women.

  • maybe it's just british women who are evil.  camilla parker bowles looks like the spawn of satan if you ask me.

  • they got disposable digital cameras no too.. u can hack that shit to reuse

  • Haha, hilarious!

  • HE refused HER sex?!  wow, what is the world comin to?!

    british lady-- do what i do--rape em. mmhm.

  • wemon is to evil as men are to shallow

  • Actually, the disposable cameras are a misnomer because when you send them in to get developed, they reuse the plastic canister and repeatedly package them up. Unless, you're like my friends who mutilate the camera for no apparent reason. Then I have no idea.

  • Ouch, that is disturbing.



    so anyway, this is yours.

    *hands you handball*

  • Not to mention the process of taking your films to CVS for the prints. And Damn, must beware of evil women.

  • ripping off testicles is becoming more commonplace these days.

  • they do make disposable cell phones. they're called virgin mobile. *rimshot*

  • diposable cameras are convenient because:
    1. cheap
    2.if you drop it,
    you won't be cussing about a $700 camera
    but eh, it's bad for environment

    that's why you don't mess with women

  • watch out... for women dude... but some of them are swthearts that need a guy in their life.. *cough look around you cough* anyways. nice to be .. enlightened. don't they recycle cameras?

  • digi is the way to go. unless u have a holga or 35mm

  • that thing about the fujis? COMPLETELY TRUE

    ew, why would you put a ripped off testicle in your mouth? would the semen inside come spilling out??? augh, too many visuals X_X

  • I like my testicles where they are thank you. I guess I don't mind having one in a girl's mouth though.

  • they should make disposable laptops, those will take up a lot of space in a landfill . . .

  • disposable cell phones??? what...why?????

  • Is that the one where she was also charged for "tampering with evidence"


  • oh man...that woman has SERIOUS issues... @_@
    i feel sorry for the lad, that must have hurt like a beehotch! >_<

    I don't think any sane person would actually purchase disposable cameras for day-to-day use.. it's not worth it, and for the money you can invest in something a LOT better.
    But with the aspect of the wedding, I think the couple leaves a disposable camera on each table so that they can see different angles of the action during their big day.  Anyway, those pics are supposed to be fun shots, and nothing too serious; if they wanted professionalism, they should have their professional camera take pics all night...

    ..but that only works if the people at the table leave the camera at the table, and not bring em home with them.. not that I'm suggesting that my family has ever done that before or anything.. =X

    but yeah, i don't see any other circumstance for disposable cameras.

    but I seriously think the disposable cellophones is really stupid.. aren't pay as you go kinda considered disposable phones? =D

  • oh that is just sick.

  • That's quite a strong deathgrip she has!

  • Geoffrey has just lost all luck with women.

  • hm, i used to use disposable cameras back in junior high. but that's so nineties. and a waste as well.

    funny, someone was just talking about greek mythology and how this goddess snipped off her husband's (?) testicles and threw it into the ocean.


  • That testicle story reminds me of that rapist from a few years back who ripped off a woman breasts w/ his bare hands. I don't know which story is worse!

  • kyocera cams are garbage too!

  • ripped.off.testicle....the three most painful words I've ever heard/read...I think even a girl can appreciate the pain that poor man must have been in...


  • wow...lesson learned ---> Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

  • man thats a crazy story.

  • hey just one thing about the disposable cameras and the weddings. Lots of times they dont give them to their guest to keep, it's for them to take pictures with and they just leave them there. that way the bride and groom can have more wedding pics of everyone since they probably dont have time to get around to everyone and take a bunch of pics. Guest can still bring their cameras and take pictures for themselves that way.... so disposable cameras are good for something, endless you want to buy a million real ones just for you wedding...

  • they don't really dispose of them. actually they are recycled.

    after you drop em off for development, they send em back to the company ie kodak to get it reprocessed and repackaged.

  • They're developing cell phones that would be made out of biodegradable material and would have seeds inside, so when you no longer want it, you can plant your phone and flowers would grow.

  • never understood disposible cameras.
    it's more like a small cardstock box
    with random peices of plastic stuck to it.
    not a real camera.

    what the hell?  in her mouth?
    that's gross. and disturbing.
    and yes, very evil.

  • the whole disposable camera thing makes sense for weddings i think...so that people don't have to worry about their own property...i know i'd feel horrible if one of my guests had their camera damaged at my wedding...but i see what you mean, however there are many other things that have become overdisposed. like when you go to starbucks, and say you want to drink your coffee there, they should give you a ceramic cup, in order to save paper...along with double cupping...so wasteful.

  • RYC: Mine wasn't ruined with rain, fortunately! :P

    I hate disposable cameras. They're so unpredictable. But at a wedding, the parties usually provide 1-2 disposables at each table for the guests to snap random pictures throughout the wedding the bride and groom wouldn't be able to shoot themselves. I can understand that.

    And girls are scary. That's why all of us should turn gay :P .

  • disposable cameras are good for drunk nights in mexico  when i rather not risk losing/damaging my camera.

  • I do agree that disposable cameras are stupid, bit i'm broke and have no job so thats all i can get my hands on. But the truth does stand DISPOSABLE CAMERAS SUCK!!!

    As for the women thing... I dont think all women are evil... just most

  • that is crazzzzzzy!

  • Disposable cameras are good for making...

    fine they suck.

  • Did you ever use those disposable DIGITAL cameras?

    HAHA.,.women ARE evil.

  • oh my dear.. lol. the products they come up with these days. and yes, window offices are much better than staring at white boards.. thanks for the grats *late high five back*

  • That woman must have been pretty ugly for a man to turn her down for sex...haha.  I can't imagine putting a bleeding testicle in my mouth.  It's not that all women are evil, it's BRITISH women who are evil.


  • she ripped it off and put it in her mouth??? I think it would be hotter if the ball wasn't detached from the body when she did it

  • Stop this madness...

  • thas juss nasss-teeee

  • yes.. i believe woman are evil... not just ball tearing testicles ways... but leading us men onto nothing :( ... i am feeling that right now....

    and i agree with disposable cameras... buy a good one and it shall give you a picture of a lifetime to cherish.. better than a "disposable" one :)

  • i think polaroid is kind of cool~~~

  • Whooa. disposable cell phones? Is it cuz people are getting lazier every minute? It all started with the paper plate and plastic cup... now it's found its way to technology!

  • disposables were my best friend up until i bought my digicam - which was only 2months ago. ha ha.

  • That is a mortal kombat move I think, ripping off the testicles. Nope she's not evil, she just plays too much violent video games.


  • Disposable cameras are okay for like concerts and stuff, cuz if it breaks it's not as big of a deal than if you break a normal, expensive camera.

    She ripped off his testicle? Wow..people these days...

  • oh.. my... god... that POOR guy... O.O;;
    not all women are evil though :(

  • Oh ma god.. is it all happened in the UK?

    Disposable cameras... I always use it cos i forget to bring ma own one...

  • hey, i should use a disposable camera to take pictures of me ripping off someone's testicle! brilliant.

  • damn that must hurt for the guy , and shit why cant i see the pic. nice site btw.

  • its disposable...comes in handy for us lazy ppl...but i agree, it is a waste

  • ha. ha.

    wow... she must have been REALLY horny!

  • pssshh.. women are not evil.. xD

  • yeah, ere u go....

    This is no joke. It works (from experience).
    DO NOT just delete this. DO WHAT IT SAYS!!!! FOR YOUR OWN GOOD :~)
    Read this now or forever hold your peace.
    This is not just your ordinary chain letter. Every person you send it to, brings you more good luck.
    If you send it to no one, it will cause someone you like to hate you.
    If you send it to 1 person, your next relationship will have lots of fun times.
    If you send it to 2 people, you will get a secret admirer.
    If you send it to 3 people, you'll get a date for the next school dance.
    If you send it to 4 people, you'll meet the person of your dreams :~)
    If you send it to 5 people, the guy or girl you met of your dreams will.......ask for your phone number.
    If you send it to 8 people, your next relationship will be everlasting.
    If you send it to 13 people, your boyfriend or girlfriend, will become.....totally faithful to you.
    If you send it to 15 people, the person you have been crushing on for a very long time, will.....ask you out.
    If you send it to 18 people, your date for the next dance will ask you.....out.
    If you send it to 20 people, you'll make out with your crush at a party.
    If it can do that much sending it to 20 people, imagine what it will do if you send it to more.
    The consequences:
    If you do not send this letter to anybody, your life will.....be a living hell. You have 5 days to send this letter to at least 1 person. You can send this to as many people as you want to. I am warning you...do not just delete this letter. It is a new chain letter and we would like it to

  • oh my go.... she ripped it off?? women like that give us all bad names...

  • I don't care if she's drunk or not, that's NOT what they mean by 'having a ball'.

  • i can't defend the cameras but i will defend the woman.

    Its should not be the case that a guy refuses the advances of a women. Vaginas are in limited quantity. He had it coming. hah. Uh, just kidding, i think.

  • I believe they throw away the old film, re-package it and sell  it to another user, right?

  • i agree on the disposables, but i like the waterproof ones that you can take underwater, though the quality sucks!

    haha i read that article about the british woman b4, she must be pret-ty strong!

  • I hate those disposable cameras

  • we like digital camera better than disposable camera.

    ~Chris & Tika~

  • Yea, I hate disposable stuff, especially disposable undergarments! They're so uncomfortable and wasteful! Anyway, there's always this saying that one should never offend a woman, and it's true! Hee...

  • Floated in from Featured Content.

    ROFLMAO.  The best part of the psycho-bitch story.. she hid the testicle in her mouth! HA!

  • whoa.. that's a real life sin city right ther.e

  • disposable phones - dare I say, what next?

  • Yeah, disposable cameras are pretty low-quality and wasteful.

    Digital cameras and professional cameras are the best =).

  • is that what you want me to do to your balls?

  • haha, word!

  • ouch.

  • Disposable cell phones?!?!

    Way to go building those garbage dumps.

    And as for the women, I told them to lay off sniffing those permanent markers...

  • ahahah OMG. she must've been like super woman or something. is it that EASY to tear out?!? i'm in awe. can i have a volunteer for a testing, please? lol. poor guy...

    anyways, yeah they are a waste aren't they? but it is convienient at times...

  • I guess i'll put a hold on breaking up with my British girlfriend for now..

    I need's Deesnuts!.. 

  • omg how can someone just rip off someone's PENIS?! GROSS!!!!!! she must have been one strong woman. no wonder he refused her sex... i mean... come on.. guys wanna always do it, don't they? unless there is something strangely wrong with the woman.

  • Your X(anga) is very interesting.
    Worthwhile to read.


  • i use disposable cameras for when im at school dances or out somewhere with friends *like just for fun* that way if i do happen to lose the camera, its no biggy

  • disposables have their purpose. you cant ask ur wedding guests to bring their own cameras and ask for the pixr at the end of the night! the disposables can be given back to the wedding party at the end of the night to be developed.

    HAHA that lady...AWESOME. a man needs to know when to STOP.

  • he lost one testicle....big deal!

  • Ugh... disposable cameras... reminds of the time I was taking apart one, but I didn't get to short-circuit it yet and I got shocked. Blah.

  • There is were she should've said "Well,____ if your not going to sleep with me, I won't sleep with you either.......Now where is ________ number?"

    That would've solved alot.

    I'm not evil,Chris!

  • yeah cheap five dollar cameras suck ass. i love my digital camera; plus i can print out pictures right at home and i can take as many pictures as i want instead of only 24. hehe.

  • I'm with you on the digital camera. Coulda done without the testicle story, though.

  • I love all the posts saying not all women are evil. Yes they are. Maybe not in a testicle ripping way, but with all the manipulative games they play, they may as well be ripping your testicles off.

    Why not have that attitude? Every asshole male in this world creates the image that all men are assholes, even those of us who bust our asses being nice.

    And yes, disposable cameras suck ass. Unless you're planning on only taking shots no more than 3 feet away, and using a flash even outside on a bright day.

  • Apparently she's a spitter, not a swallower. ;)

  • Those bastards do that because having people whole new cameras when they run out of film gives them a hell of a lot more profit than just buying new film.

  • I love reading your entries! : ) I like the one about disposables, you made a really good point. Perhaps I will think of this entry before I decide to go out and buy one.

  • I hate disposable cameras, they are such crap!!!!!

    Women are evil, and I'm (not yet, a few years away) a woman and I'm saying that.

    -Let's go eat sushi or something-

                                       Cracker Jacks

  • hahahah disposible cell phones. wow. nice post

  • They buy the disposable cameras for the people to take pictures and then the people are supposed to leave the cameras at the wedding.  The bride and groom then get them developed and have lots of pictures they otherwise wouldn't have gotten...

  • ...but I always steal the cameras.  Why not?  At least that way I didn't waste five bucks... lol.  Anyway, that's why they do that.

  • owww... does that story make your package hurt?

  • ouch... that's like ripping off a woman's nipple! only two and a half for that?

    yup, corporates would produce any garbage product if it makes them a profit. Wonder when they'll be bright enough to come up with something like "disposable women". Wait, we already have that! Kidding.

  • *hugs digital non-disposable $300 cam*

  • its America, what do you expect?

  • hey!
    lol i know i dont like em eitha!
    i am one of e*'s friends.
    hope u dont care that i got ur xanga from her site!
    i was just bored.
    my thighs hurt from running so much!
    it hurts to move em!
    bye! -julia

  • if you're seeing a concert/performance at a venue that doesn't allow cameras, but you want to get some shots anyways, the disposable camera works.  that way, you can sneak it in, and if you're a dumbass and get it taken away by security, it's not some huge loss to you whereas if you brought your 300$ digital, you're probably gonna be a little more than upset.  that's how i see it

  • more cheap stuff to throw away... whee...

    wtf.. why would the crazy lady hide it in her mouth?! so unsanitary.

  • i agree. women are evil.

  • I agree with you. Disposable cameras are ridiculous.  I hate spending money on them.  When I worked at the uni-mart we chared $15 for a 24 ex. disposable camera.  It was such a waste of money...but people spent it. 

  • haha, I think it's safe to say it's not a birthmark. Just her hair and a black lamp pole in the background. But good eye.

  • We were talking about that today. Imagining something like that happening...down there, and then you actually feel it.Just imagine that ataully happening to you. The moment I imagined it gettign ripped off I winced.

    If you concentrate hard enough, it might hurt.

  • a digital camera at target goes at 20 bux! and its not even disposable

    luv the site xo    -leeyen

  • ew okay. SOME women are evil.

  • oww. ripping of testicles would hurt i bet. *cringes* and disposible cams do suck.

  • sick

  • gasp! i feel like a moron...i bought a disposable for like 15 bucks. why wasnt mine 5?

    I hate the pictures disposables take.but, they are good for trips where you dont want to be paranoid about messing up your camera(like canoe trips)

    <33 jaci

  • I draw the line at disposable testicles...

  • women get crazy when they are "erotically charged" and are denied sex. hahahaha.

  • Random Props .. Super Cool Xanga
    <3 Ashley

  • Random props!  i really like your site

  • WHOA!  I can't believe she had that much man power that she could completely RIP OFF a thing that was attached to the body with her bare hands...DAMN!

  • worrrd. disposable cameras SUCK! what horrible quaility.

            .  pinkey

  • Wow that's fucking crazy...

    <3 props

  • You are awesome.  I've read some of your stuff.  You're hilarious and talented!  Imagine that.  And I weep, WEEP I SAY, for the tragedy Cookie Monster is suffering.  I can't believe he has to change his goddamn diet.  That's pathetic.  Anyway, you have the BEST xanga.  Keep it so.

  • Buuut if you have a disposable camera and you are attacked by a masked assialant you can crack it open and shock their ass with the capacitor. 

  • i used to buy disposable cameras all the time back then, til i finally could afford a digital camera.

  • holy crap! that must have been painful! ow....even i can feel his pain! :(

  • GREAT expose on schooling, but how about Nazis???!!!

  • holy shit!!!! crazy bitch!!!


    That's all I can say.....

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