April 12, 2005
It's a hard knock life...for school.
So you attended a "hardcore" school growing up? Pfft! Not really. You
seen anything until you've gone to school in Compton, CA; one of the
four boroughs (Staten Island doesn't count) of NY (sadly, I've been to
two schools in Queens); or Atlanta, GA. It's
funny because these areas are notorious for their obnoxious behaviors,
but none compare to what you're about to see. I landed upon an
interesting site the other day where a student documented his life in
this particular school in Oakland, California. Armed with his camera,
he lets you, the viewer get a firsthand look of what junior HS is like
today. Be warned, this isn't
"And to top off this entry w/ somethin' really entertainin'.....lol, My last day of budget class.
Some girls got into it b/c someone got in someone's way, then it turned
into a brawl IN CLASS, but it was during break time so the teacher
wasn't there.
(Editor's note: Notice the three fighting in the background)Then it turned into a wrestling match.
that's what happens when you mess w/ black girls who gangbang Lincoln.
I bet the only reason why they fight a lot is b/c they don't care if
they're face gets messed up....it already is."Afterschool
What's funny about this is that the water washed off Elsa's eyebrows b/c she drew them on. I was rollin'.
We were hyper in the mornin', I guess, as well as Jermaine. So I guess he just decided to slap Ted around."
Courtesy of Doug
Comments (175)
OH EM GEE! FIRST! ahh! or i was first when i typed it.
At least things are always interesting.
OH EM GEE! SECOND! ahh! or i was second when i typed it.
oh wow. i love the 2nd pic, with the guy in the background stadning there and just laughing at the girls laughing. so priceless.
C'mon now, let's all be one big happy family.
wow that's hardcore... haha i definitely wouldn't wanna go to a school like that
godamn. white girl got owned
haha i wonder waht the teacher thoguht when he came back
compton class of 2000 right hurrrr
damn, now THAT is a ghetto school.
I was just joking when i said that. I really don't type like that.
That's what i call a hardcore school. My school doesn't compare to those schools. Funny, a girl getting attacked by her own water bottle.
OMG I KEPT WATCHING THAT GIRL TOSS HER... black on white crime...
wOahh Lol annieeeee! hahah
niice... ima glad I don't go there. I'd die. Literally.
<333 Steph
whoo hoo..i'm a beginning commenter! yay! ahah that's scary... omg..my hs was never like that..or maybe i just didn't see anything like that. ahha
thank god i didn't go to a school like that =/haha
aw.. poor white girls. =(
i die in that kinda school or maybe i will be a good fighter!
Hmm... My school's too boring.
hey hey hey, there's nothing wrong with Queens!
I used to live in Atlanta when I went to Jr High and it's true there used to be fights daily between crips & bloods. We had video cameras in the halls and students weren't allowed to walk around with backpacks so they couldn't hide weapons.....
HOly crap..!!!
Only in america, that stuff don't happen in sydney, if it did, civil action may be taken. $$$ Thank God for lawyers...Thank God I didn't go to school in America.
Sydney, Australia!
nice video
you see why white people hate black people? better yet
you see why alot of ethnicities hate black people.
wowies, that's really brutal. i want my school to be fun / exciting like that!
Nigga, I'm from the west side =P. Shame shame, violence is no answer. I went to white dominate schools my entire life, so I never experienced much of anything like that.
HAHA I hella saved those images off of djscratchd33znuts that shits hilarious
there are fights every day at my school, though not with the girls as often
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I'm kinda glad I don't live in Atlanta, daaaaaamn!!!! The daily fights at my school are only caused by someone dissing another's mom- and once two geeks fighting over which is better: Phantom Menace (sp? no, right?) or Attack of the Clones.
-Let's go eat sushi or something-
Cracker Jacks
i used to live in compton.
lol, thatz funny!
what schools in queens did u go to?
Nice... But I still Think you should have put Washington D.C. On your List...
hello, you might not know me, but i found somethign hilarious and i must share it with my fellow xanganians, it's sooo funny. check out the first entry, go ahead and check out the others too if you get curious, they're funny too. http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=casanova89
if that how it is up there WEAK! i use to smash kid up with viet gangs
wow! *random props
i love that throw to the ground and the brawl in the back
it's awesome how he got it on camera
the more the films like The Sin City made, the more of such scenes that we will see
melting eyebrows. AAAA
that was crazy...and that poor girl.....
haha she got pulled by the hair!
got damn
not bad.
so JUNIOR high school kids huh? i can only imagine how they would turn out in high school. Amusing for us, but poor girl with her washed-off eyebrows.
Brutal and insane.. good post.
Ah high school... at my high school we had bomb threats and real lock downs (when people bring guns on campus). Ugh.
holy ef-cuck.
Damn, I've seen a vid where these HK kids were picking on the the nerd... it was mainly like 10 jocks vs 1 nerd.... it was actually pretty sad..... Nice entry once again....
^^ Hahaha, yeah I'm glad it's like that in Sydney. Damn kids...they don't know any better.
Damn kid dats some funny ass shit.hahaha its lik my school when i used to live in philly aight yo jus some random shit.
woww.. glad i dont go to that school.. i'd die..
erf. my computer is lagging for some reason and everything is slow-motion for me. hehe. i guess now it's easier for my brain to digest the information. =)
these people looked like they were in high school...I thought you were in college?
Oh my goodness.
i used to live in S.I.
didn't like it too much, but manhattan was awesome. there's a manhattan in kansas (they call it the "little apple"), but it's out in the middle of nowhere and it sucks.
i <3 NYC.
hahaha i love it- just hearing the word "Compton" makes me giggly uncontrollably.
But if Elsa remembered to use her sharpie that day..it wouldn't have washed off!....haha
hahaha the ghettoness of adolescents that think they're so "gangsta"
i went to jhs and hs in queens. all that stuff doesnt happen~ YOU LIAR! lol
Dubya. Tee. Eff. What the hell is up with these kids. Wow, I never thought I'd say this... but I'm glad that I'm stuck in a popularity-obsessed, barbie-doll-wannabe midwestern school.
That's fucked up.
That's pretty crazy, but I heard that some girl got raped in a class room in a high school in south east KC Missouri. They say the teacher walked out of the room and two guys held the girl down, and another raped her. That's pretty jacked I'd say.
My gosshhh talk about hard core!!! *gasp*
wow the girls are so rough there...
well at least us chinese dont fight.
hahah wow that is hilarious
with classes as boring as mine, i kinda wish a fight broke out once in a while
Was not expecting that in California.
Those are some crappy tables.
haha brutal..
kids these days
white girl got her ass whooped! hehe
black girl: "bitch don't mess with my man"
white girl: "what r u talking bout i only gave him a bj"
i dont know if i want those people supersizing my fries...
i think i noe those kids. i thought ma school was rough with fights every week. then again some oakland kids go to ma school and some of them start the fights. i was gonna say something else but i forgot.
haha.. those fights dont look that bad. i've seen much more and worse in my school. and in thic school near my homee, lafayette highh. people get killed and rapedd.. lol.
fuck school go to sleep
LMAO holy shit that chic got rocked!
woooah! that school's full of primal rage! you could train wrestlers there:/
goodness gracious.
In highschool I saw body bag. Some guy got shot down on my campus. The neighborhood were rundown shacks and crack houses every now and then. I never liked being there afterdark. Creepy as fuck.
Woah.......I would get killed in there.....I'd be that kid taht everyone uses for a punching bag....O.o;;
haha, the only time i got close to seeing a fight in school was when two little asian guys were yelling at each other in the courtyard after school. i guess that's what happens when you go to a predominantly asian, academic-focused high school, even if it is in the city.
Hahah Funny.
that's really hardcore.. and.. the whole fighting in the first pix, the person in white who threw the girl, isn't that person a GUY?
i wish we had "brawls" like that. we just insult each other and have speed/duces tournaments
... yeah, im a nerd x_x
Oh my... O.O
Daaamn, as Stewart Scott and the other ESPN sportscasters used to say during football season... "she got JACKED UP!" Wow. A lot of fights happen but capturing clips for all are rare.
Wow.. that's very... interesting??
<3 props
hmm, roadtrip dear? we'll have to see..
Wow, I missed out when I was in high school.
now that's hardcore.. @_@
damn, just when that girl seems all out of breath being in an armlock she gets body slammed to the ground. i feel for her. what's with our youth these days??
atlanta??? who knew!
i think i've been a wee bit sheltered....
what a wonderful world.
white girls got it badd...
Wouldnt survive 2min.
i was born and raised in long beach, california. right next door to compton. our schools are a bit ... calmer ... but nonetheless... we have, unfortunately, witnessed altercations like these. ---i graduated from the same high school snoop dogg and cameron diaz graduated from!! haha!!
Is this real? Cause the first one takes a professional stuntman.
wow. and i thought norman thomas, brandis, and park west was bad. hah im hapy i dont go to those schools
the girls were really rude@_@
nice site
The first one looks like my elementary school in Far Rockaway
first one, kind of unnerving; other two, pussy fights -- i've gotten inot much worse in school and i was always considered the "shy" one.
staten island is mad ghetto..much more than your precious LI.
welcome to WWF High
LMFAO... omg!!
Funny entry!
violence is a way of life..
the education system at its best =T
animated gifs are fun, but damn...they're huge in file size
Gosh, they do look violent...but funny as I watched them! Are they serious in hitting one another???
God damn.... That's awful....
People who do that should be shot.
I love watching fights... I remember when I wuz in grammar school we use to pretend we were fighting wid kung fu... I guess too much tv for me...
cant we all just get along?
Haha...those make me laugh...
my lord... my gosh.
ive been to that site
its a good read
but im glad i dont go there though
Woow. That's scary.
my high school was so mellow that i only witnessed 3 fights during my entire 4 years there. O_o
That's some crazy stuff!
And I'm mad that Cookie Monster isn't really a "Cookie" Monster anymore. I guess he's a "Sometimes Cookie Monster" now.
Have a great day!
lol sounds like a fun day. Too damn funny her eyebrows washed off
oh wow...thats violent there, daymn
that's pretty disturbing
Wow, I can't imagine. I went to pretty much the opposite of that... very strict college prep school.
Almost makes you understand why kids who get picked on resort to bringing weapons to school.
future hoodlums. their mamas need to beat em! that was a cool throw that kid did on the girl, tho.
ahahha omg. reminds me of my jr high when it was alwys koreans vs mexicans. it still is.... sadly in fullerton, we have a mandatory fight once a year where the kids meet up at the park and go all out. i mean literally a full blown out fist fight with an audience cheering them on. this is serious too. not a laughing matter. i was there once... pretty scary.
I'm glad I don't go to school in the hood. That's def classic though.
daaammmmnnnnn....i got into a few fights when i was younger, but damn! they are hardcore!
...compton and long beach come together now you know you in trouble...it's like this and like that....
...dre got some bitches from the city of compton...rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice
laid back [with my mind on my money and my money on my mind]...
That's pretty screwed up. I thought kids here were bad...
Cimmie <3
Yeah, the most exciting thing that's ever happened here in Ohio was when some kid "snapped" and an ambulance had to come and take him away in a straight jacket... good times.
All he really had to do was sign-out if he wanted to miss class that badly
you know I don't really think Atlanta schools are that bad.....Detroit schools on the other hand....are MUCH worse....I've seen more fights going to grade school in Detroit than I have in all my years of Atlanta schooling
well, yeah she's been working out. she's a kickboxer & 2nd degree black belt in taekwondo. petite? pah! i SPIT on petite!
lol that was hella funny reminds me of the old days
Tsk tsk. Kids these days...
i live in queens..and i hated my elementary school. high school wasn't so bad.
hahahaha hilarious.
I've seen a couple of those in Atlanta, but compared to that... my school was boring.
I used to think it wasn't a good experience living in the country, and attending a school that was 99.99995% white. Thought it might have skewed my perception of schools with a good mix of races. But at least I never saw these types of images in my entire school career.
Worst I had to deal with were the underclassmen who thought they lived in the ghetto, and the braindead rednecks who made it well known they were members of the NRA. But I never once thought my school was HARDCORE. Hell, we were only one bubble machine away from being the Lawrence Welk show.
wonderful school, so full of action and adventure.. heh
friggin idiots haha
Uhmm....It looks scary! The person who threw that girl down is that a guy or a girl?
I've seen worse... what am I talking about I've been in worse... haha
hahaha that's a funny clip ;p
haha.. ur funny... i subscribedd.. =]
haha. thats absolutely funny. comment back.
at least your school isn't boring
props nice site
Hey, awesome shit. But, could you please comment me back n explain how you got videos on your xanga??? I'd appreciate is so much.
damn. the kids are feisty.
hey im black...so if ya makin fun of black girlz dat can kick azz dont
Oh my.
Haha, that girl got KNOCKED DOWN.
Awesome site.
damn. wtf?
haha wow...prozac on the real my man
violence: the foundation of the next generation...
Im feeling alright.
GheTTo! lol, wow
geeez, white girl got punked.
That guys site was the winner from MariaClara.
theres a lot of black people
in oakland.haha.
cool site man.
thats some funny ass shit.....fucked up but funny........Krazie ass school though, good thing mine's is nothing like that
Like woah!
Is that a door falling over in the background by those other three fighting? Like it looks like it fell off the wall or something, you know?
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