March 10, 2007

  • Infiltrating Xanga.

    I had a nice chat with John the other day and we were discussing the latest in Xanga's updates in various departments: the new frontpage*,
    layouts, upcoming features, etc. Though I threw in some feedback and
    some changes were amended, I felt like there were a few things still
    lacking. I've mentioned a few features Xanga should consider,
    but I'm only one person. So before I kung-fu kick down John's office
    door and slam a sheet of 8x12 college-ruled paper with random bulleted
    items to add onto Xanga, throw me some ideas. What do you want to see on Xanga? What features do you think need more improvement/should Xanga get rid of?

    -The Xangambassador

    John has just asked me to participate in a "testing" in his office which may or may not involve various wires, computer parts,
    needles, cheeses, and play-doh. If I'm not back alive when that
    happens, tell my Japanese koi I love them.

    *Cakalusa may or may not have anything to do
    with the newly revamped Xanga frontpage.

    Random Photo of the Day

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    Happy birthday???

Comments (69)

  • The photos seem to degrade when uploaded.

    Profile pictures are grainy as heck when uploaded in jpeg form. And why can't we use linked photos like the old days?

    The sound is still un-syched with movies.

  • Thats CRAZY!! I would just close down that e-mail account and never look back.....

  • the mac compatablity sucks donkey balls. and those snap preview things are the work of satan.

  • the upload screen to be easier to use-> it takes forever when ur moving around photos in a post

  • i HATE that effing frontpage. it's just horrible with the blue border. maybe xanga needs a wall-to-wall feature like facebook, so when you get loads of comments you can still easily check the conversation record with each individuals.

  • happy birthday!

  • non-premium users should be allowed to add more than 10 users to their protected post list. please. =)

  • 1. Multiple protected lists.
    2. Add more fonts (Tahoma) to Look & Feel.
    3. Be able to view all public, protected, or private posts in a click rather than going back to search each page.
    4. I forgot. C, back me up...

  • and ditto to one of your previous suggestions for privatising multiple posts~it's a hassle having to go back and individually privatise each single post. it would be great if they could introduce a way to make it easier.

  • i second spotlessmind's point #3.

  • I suggest that something be done about the boosing. It freezes up a lot.  -thanks.    also ... more recording of actions done. 

  • Hook me up with the front page Chris! Hey have you ever met John? I wonder what he looks like o_o

  • Oh yeah, a feature where we can delete a comment we posted on another xangan's post.

  • so whose birthday is it?

  • they should get rid of that new stupid blogring look page, it chops some of my pictures in half, looks messy, and I barely use any of the features there, not to mention it lags loadup, this has been on my mind for some time, perfect how I get to put it down here

  • 1. change the front page.. its yuckie.
    2. have a wall to wall comment chatting like in facebook.. why? cause it rocks.
    3. let me know when my subscriber's birthday is o_O?
    4. approving comments before they are displayed on your profile thingie
    5. photo albums would be cool.
    6. audio blogs
    7. have a forum/ bulittin thingie for our blogrings. that way we can talk to the whole blog ring o_O
    8. let us have like signatures under our comments for every time we comment
    9. let us know whoz online in our subscription list
    10. let us block certain people from viewing our page.
    uhh... im outta ideas o_o

  • oh! another one...
    11. allow the commentor to delete their comment after they have posted it.
    12. an xanga toolbar -> it should be able to tell us when we get a new comment, a quick way to blog with out going to your page, faster way to upload a pic without going to your page, and uhh way to go straight to your footprints ^____^

  • 10 k? Congratulations

    Definitely my vote goes for
    - threaded comments (see LJ)
    - multiple protected lists!
    - make the blogrings a bit more functional (I'm thinking of LJ communities...yes I like LiveJournal)
    - block a person from seeing your page without going full-protected or enabling xanga-lock
    - allowed to delete your own comments from other pages
    - more reason to keep my premium? Seriously it's pretty much the same as "classic" ... why should I pay 25$ a year just to lose the ad at the top?

  • threaded comments.
    allowed to delete comments YOU've left on other pages.

  • a xanga toolbar would be cool!

    i think if you leave a comment, you should be able to delete it toooooo!! =)

    but the new frontpage isnt that bad!

  • as you mentioned in your previous list, pre-scheduled "post-posting" would be great.

  • Woo, Bulk mail! Happy Birthday? Perhaps, perhaps not...Happy Birthday anyway. If it's not today, tuck that away and save it for later.



  • you have alrdy mentioned this in your previous, year old entry, but the control over your own entries and editing them without having to navigate through them as a reader would have to is a must.

    huge turn off (see: limp) for someone who has accumulated a number of entries throughout the yrs to have to sort thru them 5 entries a page at a time.

  • i wan non-xangan be able to leave comment on my xanga!

  • i noticed theres still porn when you go to the photo section, i know a lot of people would be pretty mad if they went to that part and saw some breasts.

    I said that just cause i could say breasts : )


  • I think Xanga's main issue is trying to be ANYTHING at all like Myspace.  I enjoyed Xanga much more when it was JUST a weblog provider.

  • C is here to continue where Spotlessmindd left off:

    4. Xanga should make all our posts available like out protected lists of people, whereby we can tick the boxes or have an option to tick 'all' and make them private/protected/public all at once. People find it a hassle to go and click each post one by one to make them private - especially if you have years worth of stuff!

    5. Since we are alerted to who subscribes to us, may we also know who UNsubscribes to us?

    6.Audioblogs need to be heard on private by NONsubscibers, too. Sometimes you don't want the audio available to the public to embed or whatever, but you still want everyone, whether they are subscribed or not, to listen.

    Xanga NEEDS Roffles Radio!

    7. Like multiple protected lists, how about multiple friends lists?! (I have a hierachy for so-called friends, too. AKA the people you add to friends because they have damn friends lock on, but you don't know them or like them or even subscribe to them, etc.) haha

    8. Can you make a VIDEO/AUDIO UPLOADER, so we can upload multiple vids/audio at once, like photos? Is this even plausible? LOL

    9. OH, AND THE NEW FEATURED CONTENT LAYOUT SUX MAJOR HAIRY BALLS! PLEASE BRING BACK THE OLD RANKED LIST! It was easier to look through, and you didn't have to click 'next' 9038294 times to check if you made it on there. Besides, we all know that the fun of being featured is that you can see your post on top of the next dude.

    10. Speaking of clicking 'NEXT' 3493284 times, when we read our subscriptions, can you make
    page numbers at the bottom where we can click (like Google's), so we don't have to get freaking carpel tunnel syndrome everytime i want to look for a subcription from someone, made weeks ago.

    11. I'm a Xangaholic exclusive - I think that all my requests should therefore be considered and perhaps granted.

    Thank you.

    That is all.


  • the front page is an eye sore x_X

  • Frontpage sucks. Blogrings suck. Footprints suck. Friend Lock sucks. Just about everything new sucks.


  • xangas new frontpage isnt any better (looking) than the old one.
    able to view all protected, private, and public posts- good idea
    more fonts
    change the emoticons
    deleting "your" comment on others' page is a very good idea.

  • Bring back up the audio search, I hate having to go to google to get to the search engine.

  • And I like the front page. It's so convenient honestly.

  • snap! drives me crazy! be gone, snap demon!

  • multiple protected lists, i guess. also, the frontpage seriously sucks. it's really cluttered and all. the old frontpage was a lot simpler and made much more sense x_X

  • I want to see the return of the prior FC....minus one person, of course.

  • Oh my.. clean up your junk mails!! Time for you to get a new email account?

  • Holy titties batman ^

    Your posts have become boring. Please revert to vintage-cakal. kkthxbye.

  • I wish there's a gift giving when someone writes a really really good entry or a really sad one, then we can give sthg to cheer him/her up.

    ooo nice bulk!

  • looks like you've got a lot of junk in your trunk haha

  • I do not know ANYONE who likes the new front page!  Anyone that I deal with on here hates it.

    I wish they would seperate Premium from non premium Featured (Discussed??) because the way the have it now there is so much crap in the discussed due to non premium members taking up much too much space there with their comment whoring.

    I liked waking up and seeing MYSELF on Featured every day, and now since they have changed this, though I am getting the same number of comments and eprops I can't find myself there. 

    Dan (theologian) had given me a link--it directs one still back to the OLD way of featured, and updates daily like it always used to.  I can't figure out why all the normal premium featured xangans are still there (myself included) daily via this link to the old front page way, yet when I go NOT via the link, and acsess it by the front page instead there is so much crap in the "discussed".

    I think xanga should put it back how it was.

  • Check it out.  I just came back to your site from the link.

    It is TODAYS featured, just like it always was, numbered and all...Non premium on the crappy second page where they belong..front are number 11, and I am number 33 at the time I am writing this comment to you....

    Why does this link still work, and the old system is still in plave, yet it isn't anywhere on their new crappy front page?

    And I guarentee if I scroll and scroll...I will not find myself in the new 10 pages of "discussed" yet, I am number 33 on Featured because of all the non premium people taking up so much space.

  • place....guarantee...

    sorry.  It's early.....

  • Tell 'im DMV says hello.

  • entry cuts... like the one from livejournal.

    some entries are just too long.

  • i want the frontpage to look more invigorating.
    and my brain isn't processing with me right now, so i'll come back to you?

  • you poser! That was ME chatting with John the other day! The front page looks like that because he and *I* talked about it ... while he was working on it! How do you think I got the #1 featured spot? Through my looks and great talent!? HA!

    I suggested an 'EDIT COMMENT' or 'PREVIEW COMMENT' button. I hate double-posting on someone else's blog just because I can't tpye or spell.

  • I mean 'type', not tpye

  • i'd like to be able to delete my own comments - you know those mindless times when we just have to say something really, really bad, or really, really stupid... =X

  • Woo hoo! Tons of bulk mail!! I can't really think of anything that I'd like to see on Xanga... I'm happy w/ it now!

  • I really hate the new front page. It makes it harder to navigate through content that i'd actually want to read. 

  • I think public commenting will be nice, since most of my fobuddies (makeup word: fob+buddies) doesn't xanga. but then xanga is more or less a social network after all...

    Xanga should definitely make searching for old posts easier. I have only signed up back in Oct2006 damn it! I can't imagine how you do it. Do I have to "tag" each of my posts with the date?

  • since its in the bulk folder I'm assuming its all spam?

  • lol I don't check you email everyday? o.O;; or maybe it's still like that when you do ^^;;; it's probably all fans though xD

    Happy belated birthday?

  • i want the old xanga frontpage back.

    i want it simpler and more practical to sign in. 

    not staring blurry-eyed at strangers' profile photos lined up in a row with their website ditsy details distracting my line of concentration.

    what a march break eh. what a bum. what a xanga.


  • Do you work with Xanga?

  • Your mission statement would probably be: I like to make fun of people.

  • If you put me on featured content just once on the front page... I would be happy!

  • nice! the front page of xanga needs to change, either back to original or something not like the way it is now.

  • yes, my whole body is aching.
    my arms hurt the most.

    and my brain isn't processing....yet

  • One time my Yahoo Bulk Mail reached a whopping 900 and it was as simple as Delete!
    I never waste my time reading it, why should I? LOL

    I honestly don't know about the bra but you know what?
    There are seamstress who work with dancers for their silicone jugs. GROSS!!!

  • the ability to change or delete our comments after submitting.

  • Can't suggest nothing,I am just a regular xangan.

  • Xanga needs a better FAQ or help page.

    eprops? comments? boost? pulse? tags? wtf how about some explanation.

    and somehow all these things figure into driving more traffic to your site... it's brilliant Q, but how does it work?

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