May 26, 2007

  • BAM! The Donald Lays It Down.

    If every American was as crass and obnoxious
    as Donald Trump, we wouldn't have to deal with insignificant things in
    life like: joblessness, global warming, homeless people, or women's
    rights. But no. You have organizations like PETA and shows such as "The
    View". Is that show a joke? ABC, April Fools was a month ago. We've
    grown tired of it.

    Luckily, there are people out there who share
    the same rules (lack of) and views (no pun intended) as I do. And
    that's none other than "The Don".

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    "...and then we're going to take over the White House! Byawwww!"

    "I've always said Rosie is very self-destructive," Trump said Thursday
    in Chicago. "... As far as Elisabeth Hasselbeck, I've always said she's
    probably the dumbest person on television, but when she called me ...
    obnoxious, she was probably right."

    Now go grab yourself a steak.

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Random Photos of the Day
    NYC - Hot summer day

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    So tempting.

    Crowds form near the Apple Store.

    Stick your foot in. I promise there's no germs!

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    I slept witcho mama! Teehee!

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    Mmm...I love the blood of 100 PMS blood donors, too!

    $20 All-you-can-eat Japanese food ftw!
    Steph approves!

    It's nice to see Sony finally stop trying to play catch-up with
    Apple, and instead begin a mutually-beneficial partnership that
    leverages the design prowess of both companies.

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